Fools Rogaine

When: March 30, 2025

Where: Where: Mendham Township, NJ
Check In: 7:00 - 7:45 AM
Start Time: 8:00
Start Location: TBA
Duration: 8 Hours

Description: This trek/rogaine is a map and compass navigation event with a twist! Visit as many control points as possible within the 8 hour time limit, but pay attention to whatever special rules may exist so you don’t look like a fool at the end of the day! 

For 2025 there will be three separate rogaine courses, linked by mandatory 2-way routes between them.  The three rogaine courses must be done in a specific order, but within each rogaine CPs can be found in any order. 

All Racers will be provided with a map and rules. The Minimal mandatory gear list is as follows:

  • Appropriate clothing for the weather

  • Personal first aid kit + whistle

  • Cell Phone for emergency calls

  • Sufficient food/water for the duration of the event

  • Compass and the knowledge of using it for land navigation

Racer Details.

Mandatory Gear

Every Race has a mandatory gear list for your safety.


Racer Communication

The latest information concerning The Fools Rogaine.